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Sirius Mathematical Journal

(submit a paper:  https://ef.msp.org/submit/sirius)






Sirius Mathematical Journal ISSN: 3024-3240  was founded by the Talent and Success Foundation in 2024.  In the same year, the Foundation established Editorial and Publishing Department,  headed by Tamara Rozhkovskaya,  within the  Science Department of the Foundation'. 


Sirius Mathematical Journal is connected to the  Sirius International Mathematics Center  founded by the Talent and Success Foundation in 2019. The journal's concept, structure, organization, and design were developed  by Tamara Rozhkovskaya  in collaboration with Ari Laptev, Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Sirius International Mathematics Center and Editor-in-Chief of the journal.  Editorial Council & Board  include members  and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of  Sciences participated in events of the Center and organizers of some conferences at  Sirius. Authors are primarily invited from among the conference participants.


Each issue of Sirius  Mathematical Journal  consists of two parts.


Research Papers: All participants in  the  Center  events are invited to submit  new  papers via  Sirius Submission Page in  EditFlow.  Papers  originaly submitted to Sirius Mathematical Journal and Russian translations of  published papers by foreign participants are considered. 


News and Editorial Notes:  For example, the second part of the first issue  of Sirius Mathematical Journal  features the award ceremony for the Laureates of the  Russian Young Mathematician Award founded by the Talent and Success Foundation.  The first issue also  presents some information about the authors  of the first issue, among which there are three members and one corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences and  world-famous  foreign authors granted their Russian translation rights to Sirius Mathematical Journal. On the fifth anniversary of the International Sirius Mathematical Center, the Chronicles (2020--2021)  of the Center  is  placed in the second part of the second issue.


All articles submitted originally in the Russian-language Sirius Mathematical Journal are published in English by Springer in the English-language Sirius Mathematical Journal, a new source journal  of  Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Series B  with  Editor-in-Chief Ari Laptev and  Managing Editor Tamara Rozhkovskaya. The first issue  was  published as J. Math.Sci, vol. 284, No. 1, September 7, 2024.


To provide a feedback letter on  Sirius Mathematical Journal,  please,  email  Tamara Rozhkovskaya


