Welcome to the site of  current publishing projects of Tamara Rozhkovskaya:


Problems in Mathematical Analysis (in Russian & English) with 6 issues per year are published in Russian by «Tamara Rozhkovskaya Publisher» since 2001. All issues are translated, edited, and prepared in English by Tamara Rozhkovskaya and published by Springer (formerly Plenum, New York) since 1995.


International Mathematical Schools (in English)  was  launched in 2023,  with 6 issues per year, as  a source journal of  Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Series B . It focuses on thematic collections on various topics in pure and applied mathematics, with  guest editors and authors invited  exclusively by Editor-in-Chief  Tamara  Rozhkovskaya.


Sirius Mathematical Journal (in Russian) was founded by the Talent and Success Foundation in 2024 and  is published  by the Editorial and Publishing Deparment headed by Tamara Rozhkovskaya. The journal's concept, structure, organization, and design were created by Tamara Rozhkovskaya, with  Editor-in-Chief Ari Laptev. The first and second  issues are available on this site.


Sirius Mathematical Journal (in English) launched in 2024  is a new source journal of Journal of  Mathematical Sciences.  Series B based on English translations of  original research papers from the Russian-language Sirius Mathematical Journal.  Editor-in-Chief: Ari Laptev. Managing Editor: Tamara Rozhkovskaya. The first issue was published as  J. Math. Sci., vol. 284, No. 1, September 7, 2024 .


Elementary Math Education:  The Russian version of the core  textbook  Blue Book of Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers, written by Professor of Kansas State University (USA) Natasha Rozhkovskaya, will be published  by «Tamara Rozhkovskaya Publisher» in 2025. This will be  the third  book on elementary math education by Natasha Rozhkovskaya   published by  «Tamara Rozhkovskaya Publisher».