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How to Submit a Paper to Sirius Mathematical Journal

(submit a paper:  https://ef.msp.org/submit/sirius)


Title in Russian: Сириус. Математический журнал [Sirius. Matematicheskii Zhurnal]

Title in English: Sirius Mathematical Journal

Language: Russian 

ISSN: 3034-3240

Editor-in-Chief: Ari Laptev
Editorial Council & Board
Founder and Publisher: The Talent and Success Foundation
Head of the Editorial and Publishing Department: Tamara Rozhkovskaya


The Journal publishes new research papers by participants of conferences and events organized by the Sirius International Mathematics Center, covering  a wide range of areas in pure and applied mathematics. All participants from Russia and abroad, from  current and past conferences are invited to submit their new unpublished research papers (individually or co-authored) via  the Editorial Platform EditFlow


In particular, everyone listed in the Chronicle is warmly invited to contribute to Sirius Mathematical Journal.


  • Papers can be submitted  in Russian and/ or in English.

  • If a paper is accepted,  authors must provide both Russian and English versions formatted according to the journal's guidelines (see below). An exception is made for foreign authors facing language or LaTeX challenges; such authors can submit papers in English only. The Russian version will be prepared by the Editorial and Publishing Department and  sent to authors for review.

  • To submit, please indicate the number, name, or dates  of the conference you attended. You can find relevant details for 2020-2021 in the Chronicle.

  • All submitted papers are reviewed by experts and aprroved or deiclined by responsible members of the Editorial Board. The final decision is made by Editor-in-Chief.


Title of  the source journal: Sirius Mathematical Journal

Title of  the joined  journal: Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Series B

Language: English

Electronic ISSN: 1573-8795

Print ISSN: 1072-3374

Editor-in-Chief: Ari Laptev

Managing Editor: Tamara Rozhkovskaya

Publisher: Springer


The English-language Sirius Mathematical Journal is a new source journal of Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Series B. It consists of English translations of research papers originally published or approved for publication in the Russian-language Sirius Mathematical Journal. In some cases, the English version of a paper may appear before its Russian original. For example, the first English issue of Sirius Mathematical Journal  was published in Journal of Mathematical Sciences vol. 284, No. 1 in September, 2024, much earlier than its  Russian original is  printed.


Papers published in the English-language Sirius Mathematical Journal are indexed in SCOPUS, Zentralblatt, MathSciNet, and other major mathematical databases, inheriting all privileges of  Journal of Mathematical Sciences.


  •  How to submit a paper: 

  1. Submit your paper via EditFlow  https://ef.msp.org/submit/sirius .

  2. In the Notes for Editors field, indicate the number, name, or date of the conference you participated in (see  Chronicles  for 2020-2021 ).

  1. To prepare your paper in Russian, download  the Russian-instruction and  Russian-sample.
  2. To prepare your paper in English, download the  English-instruction and English-sample.
  3. Submit your final versions following the instructions in EditFlow.


Some answers to Frequently Asked Quesions  are given  here: PDF

If you have any questions, please email  Tamara Rozhkovskaya:



   Instruction for authors

   Ethics and disclosures

 Open Access fees and funding