Sirius Mathematical Journal (Sirius Math. J.) is a new source journal of Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Series B published by Spinrger.
Sirius Math. J. consists of English translations of original research papers published and accepted to publish in the Russian-language Sirius. Mathematicheskiy Zhurnal.
Editor-in-Chief is Ari Laptev, Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Sirius International Mathematical Center. Editorial Council & Board include members and corresponding members of Russian Academy of Sciences participated in events of the Center and also organizers of some conferences heldl at the Sirius International Mathematical Center. Authors are primarily invited from among the conference participants.
Papers should be submitted at the Editflow platform: Papers aOnly English-original aticles are published in IMS.
Editor(s) and (recommended by the Editor(s)) authors are exclusively invited by the Editor-in-Chief of IMS Tamara Rozhkovskaya.
All submitted articles are reviewed by specialists under the supervision of Guest Editor(s).
IMS started with 1 issue in 2022 and continues with 6 issues per year.
Published in 2024: